Monday, November 24, 2008

It has been some time since I have posted a blog. Much has gone on during this time since I have been in Florence as well as other parts of Europe. 
I finally made it to the place I have heard so much about since the days in Elementary School. I visited Tasos in his home country of Greece. We spent two days in Athens and then made the journey to his small village of Milinas. It is a small fishing village on the inner side of a peninsula. The sunset has been voted top three in Greece. Everyone I saw in the village commenced to tell me I have to return in the summer. If Greece is better in the summer then I have to return. The five day trip was worth the classes I missed on the Monday.
Playing catch up was not too hard even with a 6-10 page research paper extension. 
I decided against my planned trip to Frankfurt. I was supposed to leave on Thursday the 13th but I returned from Greece Wednesday. I decided it was better off to take a weekend off and stay in Florence. 
This weekend was spent in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. Amsterdam has perfected the blending of the old and the new. Right next to old buildings and old monuments can be new intriguing architecture. The city also has excellent public transportation and other cities such as NYC can take hints from the Dutch. 
Needless to say, much of my time was spent in museums and coffee shops. By coffee shops of course I mean places where the illegal has been legalized. I typically do not like it but made an exception since it was legal.
To keep it short, I am now back in Florence and beside some day trips I will remain here for the remainder of my trip. Whenever I am away I look forward to returning to the beautiful city of Florence. There is something that has attached me to this city and I will be reluctant to leave on December 20th.  
It will not be as long until the next time I write. 

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